Mini U-Jack
different bases of scarves (keffier/ skulls / animals / ecossais....) worked with a patchwork of different up-cycled fabrics, always natural , and nobles (silks , cottons , linen , velvets, cashmires , deer, furs ....) Two braids are finishing the scarf, and make it remain around the neck .
The U-Jack "mini size" is the kid size .
It's one of the basic product of Lord SM Paris , something you will always be able to order .
The multi-ethnicity of those patchworks reflect the intermingling of our societies today , and that's why i mix crosses with morrocan wools , keffiyeh , english tartan , skulls, leopard , japanese cottons, french lace, indian embroideries , persian drapes etc.....
Patchworks and up-cycling are infinite